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where it all STARTED



“As a child I felt myself to be alone, and I am still, because I know things and must hint at things which others apparently know nothing of, and for the most part do not want to know. Loneliness does not come from having no people about one, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to oneself, or from holding certain views which others find inadmissible.”

Carl Jung

If my childhood could be described in a quote it would be that one, quietly celebrating the flowers and the birds, the seasons change, the sun and the moon, to feel the hurt or happiness of others within myself and not be able to communicate it and connect to people, for animals to get a little too close because they knew they were safe; to have a knowing about things that I couldn’t put into words and not enough courage to try, for a long time.

I never quite fit in. And I don’t think I ever will, I’m pretty sure that is just the point. Something in me that has shifted from longing and melancholy to serendipitous freedom and unconditional love of self and others.

dove into life heart first

"are you picking a THERAPIST or an INTUITIVE?"



... she said with very little patience left in her voice.

 I was 12 years old, the oldest child of three girls and never fit into the “first born” role or prototype. They were over me, confused and irritated by me but still loved me enough to give their oldest child a choice in the matter.

I chose the “intuitive” option for the “help” I was told I needed, thinking that would be the easy way out of this- how wrong was I.

I had struggled to learn the way I was taught, I was scared to read out loud till I was in my 20s. I started working with the mind, body, spirit connection in middle school with my first mentor and teacher, I would continue to learn from her for the next 15 years, having even brought my first born to have energy work done by her. 

I graduated HIGH SCHOOL (barely)



...and set out for culinary school.

Feeding people was the first love language that began to piece me back together and allow me to express myself. I went for a few years, never brave enough to excel, or stand out for my ability to cook well.

 I continued to blend into the background by choice and by fear for the next few years, still lost but still doing my best. Continuing to struggle with who I thought I was, who I was “supposed to be” vs. who I actually was.

Continuing to struggle with developing a connection to anything or anyone, including myself; my heart had been buried for so long I couldn’t hear it but I could always feel it.   

I met my PARTNER



I watched his character, his demeanor, his disposition for a month; 6 days a week for 10 hours a day in our flight attendant training.

 I was 23, he was 30 and once he had shown an interest in me, I knew he would be IT for me. I went through both sides of that scenario for weeks before deciding to jump in, heart first into my forever.

 I was pregnant with our first child only a few months later and our journey as partners began.

I pushed for 4 HOURS 



...before I heard his sweet cries.

 It was the hardest thing I had ever done from the start of the pregnancy to bringing him into this world. I would take off and land every flight with a trash bag to throw up in incase it was not safe to get up when I needed to puke.

 I really leaned into learning about the development of pregnancy, listening to my body, practicing mindfulness through this time, also feeding my body what it needed vs what I was craving. 

I struggled when he was born with “doing what you’re supposed to;” seems to be a trend for me in this lifetime! But I was so disturbed by the aggressive schedule and increased quantity of the vaccinations I was “supposed to” allow to enter my baby’s body on a monthly and quarterly basis for the first years of his life.

 I was puzzled by the fact that multiple immunizations were done in series and if I were a month or two behind “schedule” he no longer needed his secondary or final vaccination of the series, how did that make sense? I also struggled watching my baby and his immune system response provide him with the fighting power of a fever, if this was a dead, harmless substance, why was his body fighting it?   

BUILD your baby's PALETTE



... was published.

 I had breastfed him the best I could. I decided I would feed him the best I could too; nutrient dense, seasonally and with as much color and texture variation as possible and then figured out how I could help other parents do the same more time effectively than I had started out.

 Build Your Baby’s Palette was another huge part of my journey back to myself. Challenging me to be seen, to be knowledgeable, to start to become a resource to other’s in their journeys. 

"FAILURE to progress"



...was slapped across my charts and my heart as I labored with my second son for hours.

When his heart rate plummeted off the monitors- I signed the papers that took away my body’s ability to give birth how I knew it could and wanted. I cried the hardest and ugliest cry I had ever known thus far, it was primal. I made noises I didn’t know I could make as I cried for my “failed body”, my broken and defective body and made sure everyone in the room knew that I was not to be interrupted. I had to release all of that right then and there because the next part of my journey was to be celebrated. 

I’ll never forget the sound of my teeth chattering together once the drugs hit my bloodstream, my arms involuntarily flailing from the drugs and needing to be restrained.

 Hearing his cry, I knew my body hadn’t failed me at all.  

This new edition to our family continued to challenge my idea of parenting and what that looked like, how much of an advocate and protector of his health against a system that wanted to ignore him till what I was already seeing became REAL problems with lifelong lasting effects on him vs addressing them while he was small.

Torticollis is a condition where the neck muscles contract and pull the head to one side, my emergency c-section baby, the one that didn’t get straightened out through the birth canal, was showing signs of this by the time his was 2 months old and also a crooked butt crack which meant something was out of alignment within his hip space. His skin screamed with intense, swollen, angry eczema that after eliminating everything from my diet while breastfeeding it did not get any better.

I was referred to an allergist who prescribed my two-month-old an acetone-based oil to put on his biggest organ, acetone melts and removes false nails and polish. I used this oil on his legs once before throwing it away, there had to be another way and I just had not found it yet, not in the homemade creams, oils, baths not even in the milk I was making him.

My son started cranio sacral therapy for his muscular tightness and torticollis like symptoms at 2 months old, this improved his sleep, meal time and ability to move. By 4 months old he had started his chiropractic journey 3 days a week to correct his alignment and have him hitting his developmental and physical milestones. 

The eczema on the back of his knees without a solution so I sought out a local intuitive I had not worked with yet. I was going to represent my son, as a proxy and representative to aid in his journey. I sat down infront of this woman and the first thing she said to me was this “I know you are here for your son and his healing, but I need you to know that he brought you to me because you are going to be the one to heal him.’

I had never been told that, in the many, many years I had worked with many healers and modalities and that’s right where and when my deliberate healing journey started.  

I first certified in Usui Reiki where I utilized this sacred healing tool to peel back the layers of false that incapsulated my being.  

*mic drop*

the WORLD as we KNEW it



...would never be the same after this year.

 We took leaves of absences from flying that would allow us to be home with our children where the bit of certainty in our lives could be found. I continued my self healing practices and work with intuitive writing and connection by connecting to my partner and children, utilizing reiki to guide my journey.  

Instead of “practicing” and engraining it into my children to wear masks and stay away from everything, we created and held on to the freedom we had at home. We purchased homeschool curriculum and started to teach our children. I combined my experience and passion for cooking with my intuitive gifts to fine tune and create meals customized to clients particular needs or goals providing holistic meal prep to local clientele. I also started to work with clients 1 on 1 for reiki, intuitive or mediumship sessions providing energy healing, feedback from their higher selves or being the bridge between my client and a loved one passed.

Continuing my education by certifying in Neuro Linguistic Programming which taught me so much about myself, my brain and the world around me, so much understanding was gained in that training. I also opened my LLC and got insurance coverage to legitimately participate as a business owner in America.



2021 Medical Reiki and can provide this therapeutic technique and support for births, deaths, in the operating room or at the chemotherapy treatment. Contributed to my first yoga & art retreat as the private chef for the 4 day event. 

she's homesick for a place she can't remember

I WROTE and finalized


2022 own 35 page Usui Reiki Manual, training and certification process. Completed my first online course creation to help people on their own timeline.

I participated in my second retreat as the private chef for a Meditation & Yoga retreat and started a weekly in-person guided breathwork and meditation class within my community.  

the BIGGEST YEAR of growth



...ahead of me, personally and professionally within my business, it is the year I married my partner of 10 years infront of our loved ones and the year the creations of my heart are going to seen, felt and support humanity. 

thank you for joining the journey


Thank you!